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Iyengar Yoga

Precise alignment is the hallmark of Iyengar Yoga. It is often called (classical yoga) and is referred to as alignment yoga which gives you an understanding of how the poses (asanas) work for your hips, your back, your shoulders, or your neck, etc. Iyengar Yoga is taught to help you have an awareness of your body so you have tools to help existing issues or to help prevent injuries.


The Iyengar method was developed by yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar. Firmly based in the ancient Indian tradition of classical Ashtanga yoga as defined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Iyengar Yoga teaches strength and stamina, flexibility and balance, concentration and meditation.


In Iyengar Yoga, the search for a developed consciousness begins with physical awareness. In each posture, every part of the body is acted upon with intent and precision. Iyengar Yoga goes beyond the physical being to embrace emotional and spiritual growth. Yoga is union. The practice of yoga uncovers the connection between body and mind, while profoundly transforming both. Practicing the yoga postures tones and regulates the body and teaches clarity and stability of mind.


The Iyengar Yoga technique emphasizes precision and alignment. Quality of movement is prioritized over quantity. You learn to move with ease in your body while working within your limitations. This makes the yoga postures safe to perform. The practice is progressive, building a stable foundation before attempting more demanding work. Beginners start with standing yoga poses and are gradually introduced to a fuller range of sitting and reclining yoga postures, forward extensions, inversions, twists, backbends, and arm balances.


There is a diversity of practice in Iyengar Yoga. We don't repeat one sequence everyday. Even though we do repeat some of the same poses, there is variety in the sequencing. This helps prevent injury and over use, as well as promoting health in the body and stability in the mind.


Teachers may use an array of props designed by B.K.S. Iyengar; such as wall ropes, chairs, blocks, belts, and blankets to make the pose more manageable and give support when needed. For beginners, these props can assist them ease into poses with correct alignment, even when they’re new to the poses, injured, or simply stiff. And for those who have practiced yoga before, props can give you a different perspective on the shape of the pose and they allow you to hold the pose longer and explore different possibilities within the pose.


As students learn to extend awareness to each part of their body, they begin to explore the limitless potential of the mind and the soul. The two quests of the physical and the spiritual are not separate but parts of a complementary approach to self-realization and enlightenment.


Classes are generally categorized by levels of experience as they are important in offering a clear understanding of the poses; making a safer, sound environment for all students. Regular practice increases suppleness, strength and stamina, improves posture and concentration and quietens the mind to promote well-being.


All teachers at the The Daley Practice are certified in the Iyengar method.

B.K.S. Iyengar

B.K.S. Iyengar introduced the practice of yoga to a Western world awakening to the notion of an inner life and he was the founder of the style of yoga known as "Iyengar Yoga”. Considered one of the world’s foremost yoga teachers, he was the author of many books on yoga practice and philosophy. Iyengar was one of the earliest students of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, who is often referred to as "the father of modern yoga”. He believed that yoga was not a practice to be restricted to specialists but could benefit everyone, and he began to incorporate aids such as ropes, belts, and blocks into yoga routines for those who needed them.

Iyengar Links

The official web site of B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga

The Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States — IYNAUS — disseminates the teachings of B. K. S. Iyengar and his family

Only certified teachers teach genuine Iyengar Yoga. All teachers at The Daley Practice hold the Iyengar Yoga Teachers Certification Mark, a sign of excellence, clarity and depth of understanding. To use this logo, they have to be properly trained and maintain their development. Our teachers are trained to work from a syllabus that comes from the Ramamani Memorial Institute of Iyengar Yoga in Pune, India designed by B.K.S. Iyengar.

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625 Bangs Ave, Suite 1 Asbury Park, NJ 07712 



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